A Brief Comparison of Responses in Postman

Sometimes, as a test engineer, you need to quickly compare two API responses.

Andrey Enin
2 min readSep 23, 2020

Moreover, if you don’t need to look for differences and just want to get YES (they are the same) or NO (they are not) — Postman is a way to do that.

Let’s assume that you have a REST API with success code = 200 OK and the response comes in JSON format. I took, for example, one handler of the SpaceX REST API:


For the first request in the Tests tab, you need:

  • Save response data into a variable.
Tests tab
pm.test("Status is OK", function () {
let jsonData = pm.response.json();
pm.globals.set("response", jsonData);

For the second request in the Tests tab, you need:

  • Get previous response data from a variable;
  • Compare current response data with the previous one. I use deep-eql Chai assert for comparing objects.
Tests tab
pm.test("Status is OK", function () {
let jsonData = pm.response.json();
let firstResponse = pm.globals.get("response");
pm.test("Responses are equal", function () {

In the case of a FAIL test, you have two different data.

For more detailed research of the cause of the failure or the place of data discrepancy, you will need a more advanced test script or a different tool.



Andrey Enin
Andrey Enin

Written by Andrey Enin

Quality assurance engineer: I’m testing web applications, APIs and do automation testing.

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